Your kitten�s nutritional needs are very complex, because kittens grow up
incredibly quickly. Her mother�s milk contains everything she needs, but
once she�s been weaned, it�s up to you to make sure she gets the right food.
Kittens need nutrients like Vitamin A for eyesight and Vitamin E for a
shiny coat; Calcium for strong bones and teeth; proteins for growth and
calories for energy. So that�s exactly what you�ll find in a Whiskas Kitten
Whiskas Kitten pouches are made with gently cooked chunks of meat, tiny
enough to be easy on your kitten�s equally tiny tummy. And because one
pouch contains just enough for a complete meal, you won�t have to keep
leftovers and your lucky kitten will get a fresh, foil packed new meal
every time.
- Wet Food